There was a lovely "Town Square". And like so many cities in Europe, there was a little piece of home.... Starbucks. Anybody for a warm Mocha Mint? (click on photos to enlarge)
These photos don't do "City Hall" justice! Built in 1886 it is one of those buildings that you stand in front of and just "take in"... from every angle... so much detail... so beautiful!
Lake Alster... one of 2 lakes here in the city and a beautiful sight. Another lovely sight (below) was my "friend" George... it seems like he's everywhere too! He wanted to get together, but I was a little busy! Sorry Georgie! Ha!
Above was the produce department of a nearby grocery store where I ended my day at. It's always fun to pick up a few things to go along with my regular tuna sandwich and salad dinner. Isn't this a lovely sight?
Hamburg was wonderful! I learned that it is one of the wealthiest cities in Germany. And it made me thankful for my German roots that have given me such a strong work ethic. I have to say a special thank you to my Mom, who is one of the hardest workers that I've EVER known. I so appreciate that she passed on that German trait to me AND my children, grand children, nieces & nephews. A heritage that is surely a blessing! Thanks Mom! "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord..." (Eph. 3:23)
Ahhh, so that's where you've been! It looks like a lovely trip, thanks for sharing. Hugs Linda
Hi Mom,
Beautiful! I also appreciate the work ethic that Gran gave us. I love getting a glimpse of the different cultures.
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