Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seattle Aquarium... Too Much Fun!!

A week in Seattle with FOUR generations! What a blessing!! I hope you will "humor me" in my enthusiasm toward my family... this large group of photos is just one of many segments to come in many moments of joy with those who mean the most to me (click to enlarge photos)
My beautiful daughters and grand daughters... oh... and baby boy in his little "cocoon" (sling)! A perfect outing for the day! The Seattle Aquarium and Pike Place Market. So much FUN!

Baby boy didn't have a clue what was going on, but what a sweet day he had being carried so close to Mommy all day long!
We were all intrigued with the many colors of starfish... so lovely... "And God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind... and God saw that it was good" Gen. 1:21
It was great fun to touch the water... but touch the "creatures"? Not so much! ha!
Does it get any CUTER?!! All of the girls together! "Big" sissy/cousin was such a big help!
Nana Banana and her oldest granddaughter... so nice to have fun together!

Wowie!! Look at ALL those fish up above!! The little ones were amazed!

All of the little ones were thrilled to take pictures themselves with Nonnie's camera...

My oldest with her girls and Miss A. Her 4th (Joe) stayed home in OR with Dad for some fun "guy time"!
The above was taken at the end of our day at the aquarium. Nonnie brought some "Disco Lollis" from Amsterdam and they were "Yummers"!!
After the aquarium we walked over to Pike Place Market. As always I love the beautiful $5. bouquets of flowers and all of the sights, smells, and sounds of this city landmark.

Little Missy was so cute in her little purple sunglasses. :o)

A wonderful day with my girls and their little ones (and "big girl"!)... what a blessing to see the wonderful Mommies that they are and to enjoy their company... they are truly two of my best friends and I am so very proud of them. "Her children rise up and call her blessed" Prov 31:28a

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9-11

Sitting here in my room in Dublin, Ireland I can't help but be reminded of that catastrophic event seven years ago today that would change lives and aviation history forever. The British news stations have been running clips of memorials showing countless families whose lives were so dramatically affected by those terrorist acts.

I think that most of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we got word that the Twin Towers in NYC had been hit. I was living in Phoenix, AZ at the time. A flight attendant for America West. I had just gotten in from Washington D.C. the day before and was looking forward to a week off to enjoy one of life's most joyous moments. The wedding day of my youngest daughter. Her fiancee' (now husband) called us from back east to see if we had heard. We hadn't. And once we did? We were glued to the TV... so much so that we finally had to make ourselves stop. It was surreal... yes? I remember too my young "son-in-law to be" in a panic that he wouldn't make it for his own wedding and how he rented and van, piled in his brothers and best friend and drove 30 hours straight through to claim his young, lovely bride. Such a special time in the midst of devastation.

They never really prepared us for this in flight school. In fact, the "old" way was to be "empathetic" and "passive" with hijackers and their "demands". To try and make them feel as if you understand their cause, etc. That training is now history and we are taught aggressive moves and self defense in a whole new way. And on a personal note? I would never be so trusting again. Even seven years later, I find myself much more aware and sensitive to passengers who show negative or unusual behavior, etc. I remember feeling so badly too for those traveling shortly after who had similar physical "features" to the terrorists and how many of them wore hats and t-shirts plastered with American flags. Making a statement of their loyalties and maybe deferring potential judgement as well?
It brings to mind too the strength God has built into us (in His image) to rally in compassion and service in times of distress. It makes me ever so grateful that we still live in a country that is free and although it seems far from it's original "pillar of faith".... it WAS founded on faith... in a Mighty God who is Just and Loving... Forgiving... All Knowing... All Powerful... full of Compassion and Mercy. So to my country... to it's people I say on this anniversary date...may God continue to bless America and may we seek Him and His Ways! (2Chron. 7:14) Love to ALL! xo j

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Beautiful Buildings, Buses, Boats and Beaches in Barcelona!

Breathtaking Barcelona! It was soooo hard to choose which pictures to post! There were ENDLESS sights to see here. It truly was one of the most beautiful cities that I've visited! I do regret though that I wasn't able to track down the names of most of the buildings that I saw. But the one above was one of my favorites and was near the marina. And the two photos below were of Casa Batllo' built in 1877 and restored by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. I've never seen anything quite like it and it looks so modern to have been designed so long ago!

So here's what it looks like to be sitting on the top of a "double decker" bus... it really is the best way to see a new city and what a city Barcelona is!! It was an extra treat to have my girlfriend Shawn along. We also enjoyed getting to chat with some young men on the bus who were visiting from Ireland. (click to enlarge photos)

Although I didn't go inside, the National Art Museum of Catalonia was a perfect place to "hop off" the tour bus and take in the spectacular views of the museum and the views of the city.

With all of the "hopping on and hopping off" the bus, Shawn and I enjoyed some relaxation and great conversation over a cool drink at the Barcelona marina. We both marvelled that we were spending our day between flights this way!! What a job!! Wish you could have come along!!

The above is a statue of Christopher Columbus. It was so intriguing that I took at least a dozen photos of "Chris" from every angle I could manage! You know that we have some great "history" with him! ha!
This was the setting on every floor of our hotel just outside the elevator. Isn't it lovely?

On my 2nd trip to Barcelona this summer, I took a good long walk through the shopping district and then it was on to the beach via the subway.

This giant bronze whale was designed for the Port of Barcelona for the 1992 Summer Olympics

Barcelona beach on a warm, sunny day.
On my walk back to the hotel I passed this nearby building that had "tiers" of plants growing on it. Just one of the hundreds of beautiful buildings in this modern and picturesque city.